Авіаційно-космічна техніка та технологія (May 2021)
Comparative evaluation of the transport category aircraft modifications on private and integral efficiency indicators
The subject of the article is a method for evaluating the effectiveness of modifications of transport category aircraft by partial and integrated indicators, including the marketing cost of the flight and the cost of aircraft hours of air transportation, the amounts of which provide the relationship of economic indicators and parameters used in the design. The aim is to increase the efficiency of modifications of transport category aircraft relative to the basic ones. Objectives: to develop models for estimating modification changes according to integrated cost indicators; to carry out a comparative assessment of different modifications of the transport category aircraft in terms of partial and integrated cost indicators. The methods used are analysis and synthesis of research indicators, mathematical approaches for their evaluation based on the solution of systems of equations. The following results were obtained. According to the analysis and synthesis, the shortcomings of the above partial cost-effectiveness indicators were identified, Optimization of modifications on this indicator gives the maximum economic effect. Taking into account this circumstance, to assess the cost-effectiveness of modifications of transport aircraft, models have been developed that allow determining the cost of LC modifications with a variant change of the modified parameters, such as takeoff mass, flight performance, declared resource, etc., which are laid before modification. making conceptual decisions when creating it. Five modifications of a light transport aircraft are considered, in which such parameters as take-off mass and flight performance were changed. It is accepted that the change in takeoff mass is associated with an increase in the transported cargo, and the change in flight performance - with an increase in range from 2000 to 4000 km. Based on mathematical approaches for estimating existing partial and newly introduced integrated indicators, these five possible modifications of light transport aircraft are analyzed. There is a clear inadequacy in assessing the effectiveness of the developed options for partial and integrated indicators of their effectiveness. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is as follows: a method for estimating the total cost of LC modifications of transport category aircraft, taking into account the characteristic parameters of the modification: flight performance in the form of the characteristic "cargo - range"; the declared resource of modification, and also partial criteria, such as cost of air-hour of air transportation; the cost of transportation of 1 ton of cargo per 1 kilometer; full cost per flight of a transport category aircraft. The proposed method has significantly expanded the information based on which decisions can be made on the competitiveness of various modifications.