Латиноамериканский исторический альманах (Nov 2021)


  • Andrey Schelchkov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 32
pp. 118 – 148


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The division in the international communist movement and the creation of Trotskyism movement coincided with turbulent revolutionary events in Spain, where the left-wing forces were building up their forces. As in many other countries, the split of the communists was reflected in domestic politics, one of the aspects of which was the confrontation and extreme hostility of the two currents in world communism. The Spanish question and the situation in Spanish Trotskyism had a significant impact on the process of forming the doctrine of Trotskyism, primarily in the issue of electoral unions, attitudes towards the Popular Front, and the tasks of the communists in the democratic revolution. This work highlights the process of the formation of the Trotskyist movement in Spain, the influence and role in this process of the International Secretariat of Trotskyism, internal splits in the movement, the participation of Spanish Trotskyism in the revolutionary movement.
