Konseling Religi: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam (Jun 2020)
Psychological Well-Being Sufism Practitioners as A Sufistic Counceling
Psychological well-being is a term used to describe the psychological health of individuals who have a optimal and have a meaningful life. This research aimedat the psychological well-being of Sufism practitioners and make Sufism values a Sufistic counseling. This reasearch used interview and observation methods for collection data. In this research there were six informants, in identifying informants used purposive techniques and snowball sampling. The results found, there are four values of Sufism that affect the conditions of psychological well-being, namely the teachings of zuhud, tawakal, khauf, and mahabbah. Sufism teachings such as zuhud, tawakal, khauf, mahabbah also become media as Sufistic counseling.