Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology (Dec 2023)

Body Harmonization: The Definition of a New Concept

  • Barbosa ADP,
  • Espasandin I,
  • Pinheiro de Lima L,
  • de Souza Ribeiro C,
  • Raquel Silva L,
  • Faria Quintal T,
  • Nascimento Lima E,
  • Catarina Duarte Vieira L,
  • Soares TR,
  • Autran Colaço AR

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume 16
pp. 3753 – 3766


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Antony de Paula Barbosa, Isabela Espasandin, Lucas Pinheiro de Lima, Caroline de Souza Ribeiro, Lara Raquel Silva, Thalita Faria Quintal, Evenny Nascimento Lima, Láila Catarina Duarte Vieira, Thaina Ribeiro Soares, Anna Raphaella Autran Colaço Department of Research & Development, Health & Aesthetics, Antony Barbosa Institute, Belo Horizonte, MG, 30575-210 BrazilCorrespondence: Antony de Paula Barbosa, Department of Research & Development, Health & Aesthetics, Antony Barbosa Institute, Marco Aurélio de Miranda Street, 406/1104, Buritis, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 30575-210, Brazil, Email [email protected]: Body Harmonization (BHA) is an innovative concept in aesthetics area based on a set of advanced injectable techniques that have shown promising results for body shaping. This is based on procedure combinations indicated to treat body aesthetic dysfunctions, such as localized fat, stretch marks, blemishes, flaccidity, buttocks remodeling, lean mass gain and muscle definition. This study aims to define the clinical concept of BHA, its applications and the main protocols used based on injectable pharmacotherapy. For this purpose, we performed a retrospective review of proven efficient injectable procedures with advanced results for the treatment of body aesthetic disorders, in addition to relying on data obtained from previous clinical experiences. Based on these data, we describe how different compounds can act for treatment of the main body aesthetic dysfunctions, such as lipolytic compounds and collagen biostimulators. In addition, the main application techniques and treatment protocols for each of these dysfunctions were defined. Minimally invasive injectable procedures offer an effective therapeutic option for patients who do not intend to undergo surgical interventions.Keywords: body harmonization, BHA, aesthetic dermatology, injectable pharmacotherapy, aesthetic dysfunctions, mesotherapy, bioestimulating fillers, thread
