Tic & Société (May 2019)
Les téléphones portables, outils du dédoublement et de la densification du temps : un diagnostic confirmé
The originality of time optimization afforded by the use of mobile telephones is due to the fact that, not only is time condensed through better organization in the sequencing and processing of tasks, but also through the doubling of time with the simultaneous superposition of media time and physical time. Since its identification ten years ago, this phenomenon has continued to develop and has brought with it shortened delays, acceleration of time and the multiplication of emergency situations. However, we also witness the parallel development of reactions to this dispersion and getting lost, to too much randomness and to continually renewed ephemerality in the present. It finds its source in a logic of critical action which refuses dispossession of one’s own temporality and rhythms for generalized synchonization, and which reintroduces the thickness of mature time, reflection and meditation to counteract pressures for immediate, urgent reactions by impulse.