Lecturae Tropatorum (May 2015)
Inserti abusivi e attribuzioni indifendibili. Spigolando tra gli unica del canzoniere provenzale Sg
The central section of the Occitan songbook kept at the Biblioteca de Catalunya (ms. 146), generally known as Sg since it originally came from Saragossa (from Gil y Gil’s library), continues to prove to be of great interest for the study of the reception of troubadour poetry in Catalan milieux, at a time when a new poetic tradition was taking shape, influenced by the Toulouse tradition of the Consistori de la Gaia Sciensa. These particular circles and period naturally influenced the selection of authors and texts – with the resulting inclusions and exclusions – as well as the accompanying attributions. The latter may in part be due to a tradition that was already corrupt, but also, especially as far as the unica are concerned, to a form of mimetic parasitism, accompanied by a tendency for illicit inclusions in the case of some particular texts for which, as in previous articles, I have tried to point out the degree of ‘impertinence’ and to decide whether to add them to the list of suspects, to place them under interrogation, or – in the most clearly arbitrary cases – to simply remove them. This paper will focus on a planh attributed to Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (394,4a), which Sg shares with Ve-Ag, and on three unica which Sg alone attributes to Giraut de Borneil (242,18a; 52a; 69a).