Journal of Agricultural Extension (Apr 2021)
Influence of Internet-based Mobile Phone Applications on Employees Job Commitment in Agricultural Research Institutes in Oyo State, Nigeria
This study assessed factors influencing the use of internet-based mobile phone apps on employees’ on job commitment in agricultural research institutes in Oyo State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 94 employees. The data were obtained through a structured questionnaire and analyzed using percentages, chi-square analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). Result showed that Whatsapp (3.32), Emails (3.23) and Opera mini (3.23) were the most frequently used internet-based mobile phone apps. The use of internet-based mobile apps enhances their job commitments (3.86) while using internet-based mobile apps saves time (3.54). Fluctuations of internet connectivity (2.71) and epileptic power supply (2.36) were factors influencing the use of internet-based mobile phone apps. Significant relationship (P≤0.05) existed between employees use of whatsApp (χ2=9.80), Email (χ2=6.60) and Instagram (χ2=-16.0) and job commitment. PCA reveals that fluctuation of internet connectivity (0.78) was the major determinants of employees’ use of internet-based mobile phone apps. It was concluded that whatsapp and emails positively influenced employees’ commitment to their job with favourable and positive perceive ease of use of these internet-based mobile apps. Therefore, the study recommended that stable and functional internet facilities should be in agricultural research institutes to enable employees explore the potentials of internet-based mobile phone apps.