Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences ()
Effect of lipoic acid on spermatological and biochemical parameters following equilibration and freeze-thawing of ram semen
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different doses of lipoic acid added into dilution extender, following equilibration and freeze-thawing of ram semen on spermatologic and biochemical parameters. Materials and Methods: The ejaculates collected from 6 mature Konya Merino rams were used in the research. Ejaculates containing approximately 400x106 spermatozoa were diluted at 37 ºC with the Tris-based extender containing lipoic acid at the doses of 1, 2, 4 mM and no additive (control), and then, they were frozen. Results: After equilibration, all doses of lipoic acid did not affect the sperm parameters whereas lipoic acid 1 mM (74.3%) ameliorated motility compared to both control (62.5%) and lipoic acid 4 mM (65.0%) (p0.05). Conclusion: Addition of 1 mM lipoic acid to ram semen increases the motility after freeze-thawing process. However, dose treatments of lipoic acid in different extenders and animal species-breeds are required to be performed.