Litteraria Copernicana (Jun 2013)

Na straży racjonalizmu Postać lekarza w wybranych dziełach Stefana Grabińskiego

  • Edyta I. Rudolf

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Vol. 0, no. 1(11)/


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In defence of rationalism. Doctors in selected works of Stefan GrabińskiAbstractGrabiński, who received education in humanities, presents the attitude of an interested layman towards nature and science in his fantastic writing. However, the references to medical sciences and the creation of characters of doctors are probably based on his personal experience. In the works of the author of Demon ruchu [The Motion Demon], the world of science and medicine penetrates into mediumship and spiritualism.The character of doctor, even though it is often just a supporting role, represents common sense. Doctor supports rationalism, in accordance with the positivist ideology, and approaches the issue of the supernatural in a scientific manner. Characters searching for rescue turn to doctors, who are helpless against dark forces because these things and phenomena cannot be scientifically or empirically explained.