Hazara Islamicus (Jun 2019)
Critical analysis of Hindu and Sikh writers of Seerat = برصغیر کے غیر مسلم سیرت نگاروں کا ناقدانہ جائزہ
"The Prophet of Islam (SAW) had been the most effective personality in history who left deep and ever lasting impact on the world history. That is why since the emergence of Islam till date, people have been writing on Seerat and this process has never been discontinued. Lovers, enemies, partial and impartial writers wrote on the Seerat of prophet Muhammad (SAW). Muslims and non-Muslims selected this topic for discussion. Besides orientalists, Hindus and Sikhs of sub-continent also raised their pen and composed books, essays and articles on this topic. In this regard the contribution of Muslims is research based because Seerat remains the topic of discussion among research scholars while the work of non-Muslims is not that much research oriented. The work of orientalists regarding Seerat has been critically analyzed from time to time while that of Hindus and Sikh writers of sub-continent still needs to be critically examined. An effort has been made in the given article to minimize this deficiency."