Научно-аналитический вестник Института Европы РАН (May 2020)
Regional Election in Czech Republic 2020
On October 2-3, 2020, regional elections were held in the Czech Republic amid the second wave of the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. Despite the traditional attitude to this elec- tion as secondary, its significance for the expert community was in the fact that it made possible to study political preferences of the population on the eve of the upcoming elections in 2021. Although the citizens of the Czech Republic preferred ANO movement, analysts noted the strengthening of the opposition forces – Pirate Party, the Civil Democratic Party and the STAN movement. The main feature of their participation in the last election campaign was their coalition with regional associations and movements, which made it possible to mobilize the population and claim more active participation in the work of regional authorities. Thus, scholars concluded that this approach could become the key to success in 2021. In turn, the ANO’s coalition partners tend to weaken their posi- tions. Their fate in the future parliament was uncertain.