Data in Brief (Aug 2019)
Inventory data on the sinkhole occurrences from Proterozoic Cuddapah Basin, India
This data article provides the inventory data on sinkhole occurrences for the first time from Proterozoic Cuddapah Basin, India. Unexpected ground subsidence incidents are taking place with ground breaking sounds and forming in the Cuddapah Basin since 2007 and their frequency increasing from 2015 to 2017 (15 sinkholes over night in and around Buggavanka River). Such incidents are creating panic situations in the general public of this area which was not experienced in this region ever before. It is interesting to note that majority of sinkholes are forming subsequent to heavy rains and sudden recharge, especially in and around Buggavanka and Chitravati River beds. Hence, there is a strong need for the data on the sinkhole occurrences for detailed field investigations in future. Since, sinkhole inventory is a vital and pioneering step in sinkhole hazard analysis, the consistency of sinkhole hazard and vulnerability maps and the efficiency of the mitigation measures chiefly rely on the accuracy, completeness, and fidelity of the sinkhole inventories. Geospatial technologies played a major role in this inventory in terms of data collection, editing and analysis of various thematic maps. Keywords: Land subsidence, Sinkhole inventory, Cuddapah basin