Gastroenterologìa (Oct 2021)
Optimal time for surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis or optimal surgery?
Background. The majority of studies on the surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis (CP) compare treatment outcomes by the type of the procedure. However, some studies, especially systematic reviews and meta-analyses, indicate the equality of different surgeries by their long-term results. During last 5–9 years, several studies showed advantages of early surgery in chronic pancreatitis, within three years after symptoms onset. Objective: to analyze the short- and long-term results of surgical treatment for chronic pancreatitis regarding timing and, accordingly, the neglect of the disease. Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of data of 147 patients from 2001 to 2020, the main intervention was surgery aimed at the main manifestations of CP, such as pancreatic ductal and/or parenchymal hypertension. Patients who suffered from CP symptoms 3 years or more were included in the control group (late surgery), and those who noted symptoms of CP for less than 3 years were included in the study group (early surgery). All patients completed the EORTC QLQ-30, SF-36 questionnaires, as well as the questionnaire developed by the study authors, via telephone or mail, or during the visit. Results. According to all scales of the SF-36 questionnaire, except for Physical functioning, the group of early surgery prevails over the group of late surgery. The early surgery group had the best average scores on all functional scales of the EORTC QLQ-30 questionnaire compared to the late surgery group, except for the Cognitive functioning. Of the symptomatic scales, the early surgery group had the best averages on Pain and Diarrhea. The average Health/Quality of life scale was significantly better in the early surgery group. Conclusions. The quality of life, pain control, pancreatic function in patients operated within 3 years from the onset of CP symptoms were better compared to those with longer disease duration, with the same short-term results. The duration of the disease is a major factor for the success of surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis in terms of long-term results. The early surgery is effective approach to obtain better long-term outcomes in chronic pancreatitis.