Historia.scribere (Jun 2016)
„Wir kommen unter die Metzger“. Die Umsetzung des nationalsozialistischen Euthanasieprogramms im Reichsgau Tirol-Vorarlberg
The following bachelor thesis is about the Aktion T4 in Nazi Germany and its execution in the Reichsgau Tirol-Vorarlberg. Starting with an overview of the most important ideological and racial influences of the Nazis, like the social Darwinism or the theories about eugenics of the late 19th century, it focuses on the state-wide Aktion T4. From 1939 on the National Socialist regime tried to kill all persons with a mental or physical handicap. One of the main hospitals in western Austria was the Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Hall in Tirol. The paper examines the role of Hall within the whole Aktion T4.