Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports (Aug 2013)

Features of formation of personal physical education of students

  • V.A. Sutula,
  • V.V. Shuteev,
  • V.G. Kovalev,
  • T.S. Bondar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 8


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The peculiarities of formation of personal physical training of students from various universities. The experiment was attended by 748 students. It is shown that the most significant factor in personal physical training of students is to conduct a healthy physically active lifestyle and relationship to the body as a value. It is confirmed that for students of physical culture the main motivational factors for physical culture and sports activities is the desire to improve physical fitness, achieve sporting success. For students of non-core specialties - to optimize the weight and improve the shape. It is proved that the main obstacle to employment physical and sports activities of the students is the lack of free time. It is shown that only 21.2% of students believe their non-core specialties: motor sufficient for normal life and preservation of health.
