RUDN Journal of Engineering Research (Dec 2018)
Morphoneotectonics and prospects of oil and gas presence in deserts of Iraq
The article deals with the prospects of Iraq’s oil and gas potential. It should be noted that there has not been much attention payed to the desert regions of Iraq located on the Arabian plate. However, recent studies show prospectivity of the Iraq deserts. As a result of the recent investigation of river valleys in the region, the following main morphotectonic processes were identified: rejuvenation of the river network and emergence of new river basins; division of individual rivers into two or more parts; interception of the river network. As a result of long-term field and cameral geological and geomorphological studies in the area of the Western and Southern deserts, it was possible to reconstruct the existing tectonic activity of the area from the Miocene period to the present day. It is established that the regional Euphrates fault on the territory of Iraq occupies an exceptionally important place, which was previously underestimated. Adjacent echelon faults of the following order formed a system of pre-existent tectonic blocks with different kinematics and morphology. The causes and mechanism of neotectonic Neogene-Quaternary movements of the earth’s surface are established. Thus, separate tectonic blocks are identified, which generally form zonal regions of uplifts or valleys. The areas of elevated blocks (for example, the raising of Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf of the third order) are created by plicative dome structures in the cover near the Euphrates fault, favorable for the accumulation of HC.