Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()
Nursing Appointment in Mental Health: experience of nurses of the network
ABSTRACT Objective: To know the experience of nurses of the Psychosocial Care Networks on the development of Nursing Appointment in Mental Health. Method: Qualitative study, with interview of 20 nurses, through the analysis of the statements in the search of the meaning core. Results: was unveiled as meaning core: lack of preparation for Mental Health Care, Non-identification of the work of the nurse in Mental Health; and Performance of Nursing Appointment as bureaucratic fulfillment. Final considerations: Nurses understand Nursing Appointment as an individualized and bureaucratic activity, to consider professional regulations, and not as a work process in the multiprofessional work, thus, the Projeto Terapêutico Singular (freely translated as Unique Therapeutic Project) is not cited as a possibility of work process. It was identified necessary space for discussion of actuation and updates of the nurse in Mental Health Care in the health services studied, with emphasis on their performance in a multiprofessional team in consonance with the Mental Health Policy.