Insect Pest Control Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
Dieng Mouhamadou M
Insect Pest Control Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
Moyaba Percy
Insect Pest Control Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
Ouedraogo Gisele MS
Insectarium de Bobo Dioulasso – Campagne d’Eradication de la mouche tsetse et de la Trypanosomose (IBD-CETT)
Pagabeleguem Soumaïla
Insectarium de Bobo Dioulasso – Campagne d’Eradication de la mouche tsetse et de la Trypanosomose (IBD-CETT)
Njokou Flobert
Laboratory of Parasitology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Yaounde I
Ngambia Freitas François S
Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases (CRID)
de Beer Chantel J
Insect Pest Control Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
Mach Robert L
Institute of Chemical, Environmental, and Bioscience Engineering, Research Area Biochemical Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Gumpendorfer Straße 1a
Vreysen Marc JB
Insect Pest Control Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
Tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) are vectors of the tropical neglected diseases sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in animals. The elimination of these diseases is linked to control of the vector. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is an environment-friendly method that has been shown to be effective when applied in an area-wide integrated pest management approach. However, as irradiated males conserve their vectorial competence, there is the potential risk of trypanosome transmission with their release in the field. Analyzing the interaction between the tsetse fly and its microbiota, and between different microbiota and the trypanosome, might provide important information to enhance the fly’s resistance to trypanosome infection. This study on the prevalence of Spiroplasma in wild populations of seven tsetse species from East, West, Central and Southern Africa showed that Spiroplasma is present only in Glossina fuscipes fuscipes and Glossina tachinoides. In G. tachinoides, a significant deviation from independence in co-infection with Spiroplasma and Trypanosoma spp. was observed. Moreover, Spiroplasma infections seem to significantly reduce the density of the trypanosomes, suggesting that Spiroplasma might enhance tsetse fly’s refractoriness to the trypanosome infections. This finding might be useful to reduce risks associated with the release of sterile males during SIT implementation in trypanosome endemic areas.