Geoscientific Model Development (Jan 2020)

SEAMUS (v1.20): a Δ<sup>14</sup>C-enabled, single-specimen sediment accumulation simulator

  • B. C. Lougheed,
  • B. C. Lougheed

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13
pp. 155 – 168


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The systematic bioturbation of single particles (such as foraminifera) within deep-sea sediment archives leads to the apparent smoothing of any temporal signal as recorded by the downcore, discrete-depth mean signal. This smoothing is the result of the systematic mixing of particles from a wide range of depositional ages into the same discrete-depth interval. Previous sediment models that simulate bioturbation have specifically produced an output in the form of a downcore, discrete-depth mean signal. However, palaeoceanographers analysing the distribution of single foraminifera specimens from sediment core intervals would be assisted by a model that specifically evaluates the effect of bioturbation upon single specimens. Taking advantage of advances in computer memory, the single-specimen SEdiment AccuMUlation Simulator (SEAMUS) was created for MATLAB and Octave, allowing for the simulation of large arrays of single specimens. This model allows researchers to analyse the post-bioturbation age heterogeneity of single specimens contained within discrete-depth sediment core intervals and how this heterogeneity is influenced by changes in sediment accumulation rate (SAR), bioturbation depth (BD) and species abundance. The simulation also assigns a realistic 14C activity to each specimen, by considering the dynamic Δ14C history of the Earth and temporal changes in reservoir age. This approach allows for the quantification of possible significant artefacts arising when 14C-dating multi-specimen samples with heterogeneous 14C activity. Users may also assign additional desired carrier signals to single specimens (stable isotopes, trace elements, temperature, etc.) and consider a second species with an independent abundance. Finally, the model can simulate a virtual palaeoceanographer by randomly picking whole specimens (whereby the user can set the percentage of older, “broken” specimens) of a prescribed sample size from discrete depths, after which virtual laboratory 14C dating and 14C calibration is carried out within the model. The SEAMUS bioturbation model can ultimately be combined with other models (proxy and ecological models) to produce a full climate-to-sediment model workflow, thus shedding light on the total uncertainty involved in palaeoclimate reconstructions based on sediment archives.