Journal of Art Historiography (Dec 2022)
The Argan-Brinckmann polemic (1932–33) and the reception of Piedmontese Baroque architecture
The short but intense polemic that took place following Giulio Carlo Argan’s review of Albert Erich Brinckmann’s Theatrum novum Pedemontii in 1931 inaugurated international twentieth century scholarly reception of Piedmontese Baroque architecture. Today, it provides a captivating snapshot of the turbulent and complex disciplinary feuds that prevailed in architectural historiography during the interwar period, often pushing contenders into deep water when attempting to clarify their views. The twenty-three-year-old Argan – later to become one of Italy’s most celebrated academics – had just graduated from the University of Turin when he gave a bravely disapproving review of the latest book by one of Germany’s most prominent architectural historians at the time.