EJVES Short Reports (Jan 2015)
Complications of Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Sutureless and Clampless Aortobifemoral Bypass
: Introduction: This report describes our experience with early complications that occurred in two patients who underwent sutureless aortobifemoral bypass using the EndoVascular REtroperitoneoScopic Technique (EVREST). Report: Two patients who underwent EVREST for aortoiliac TASC D lesions experienced a dislocation of the proximal assembly. The first dislocation occurred four hours post-operatively and led to the death of the patient, and the second occurred during surgery and led to open conversion. Conclusion: As a result of these serious complications, we recommend the use of anchorage stitches while using an endograft connector in a sutureless aortobifemoral bypass. Keywords: Early complications, Sutureless, Clampless, Retroperitoneoscopy, Aortobifemoral bypass