Acta Montanistica Slovaca (Nov 2009)
Cadastral map supersession acording new instructions
Digital form o cadastral map exists on 36 % of cadastral areas of the Czech republic. Contemporary rate of dogitalizationis 2-3 % of total number cadastral areas anually. In Jule 2007 was approved by goverment decree N. 871/2007 document of Czechoffice for surveying, mapping and cadstre, that assesments deadline of cadstral maps digitalization in the year 2015. Financingof digitalization has to solve amendent of act N. 634/2004 Sb. of administrative charges. As interium solution offered COSMC Parcelorientation maps, that are free available on internet from March 2008. There are rastr images of cadastral maps in datum S-JTSKsuccesive complemented with parcel defonition points. One of reason insufficient rate of digitalization was uncertainty of reworkingtechnology of maps. These maps cover about 70 % territory of the Czech republic. From 1.1.2008 stands the new instruction, thatestablishs technology approach for cadastral map supersession. The article descibes curiosity, where was find erreneouslydetermination of property boundry, without solving next relationships.