Brussels Studies (Sep 2018)

The cultural and creative economy in Brussels-Capital Region

  • Caterina Mauri,
  • Jef Vlegels,
  • Walter Ysebaert



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This article is aimed at describing the cultural and creative (CC) economy in the Brussels-Capital Region (BCR). It provides a basis for discussions regarding this part of the economy, and the policy choices which affect it. Analysing the number of firms, turnover, value added or employment for the period 2008-2014 we observe that the share of the CC economy in Brussels remained larger than in Flanders and Wallonia, but this share has also decreased more quickly than in both other regions. The parts of the CC economy in Brussels which have been more resilient distinguish themselves through high value added per worker. This is the case in particular for sectors with a strong cultural and creative content, such as performing arts, the audiovisual sector and advertising and architecture. These activities are also the ones which make Brussels stand out with respect to the other regions. Regional differences, in particular for sectors such as the audiovisual sector, might be explained by the more urban character of Brussels compared to the other regions and by its role as capital.
