Bìznes Inform (Jan 2020)
Socially Responsible Marketing in the Management of Quality and Competitiveness of the Machine-Building Products
The nature of the influence of both inner-State and world crises on the decline in the quality and competitiveness of machine-building products and, accordingly, on the deterioration of activities of national enterprises is considered. It is shown that in the end this leads to the failure to fulfill the principles of socially responsible marketing and to a deterioration of the promotion of the manufactured products in both the domestic and the foreign markets. In this regard, effective ways of developing machine-building enterprises to bring them out of crisis and successfully promote their products to the markets are substantiated. The distinctive features in the strategies for the long-term development of the domestic machine-building enterprises and large global corporations are analyzed. It is displayed that the modernization of production capacities of machine-building enterprises on the basis of the acquisition of modern equipment and training of staff will allow to strengthen the industrial development of the State in the shortest possible time and thus increase the welfare of Ukrainian people. This can be achieved through the higher quality of the output products and its lower cost and price as result of implementation of the principles of socially responsible marketing of enterprise. For the efficient modernization of enterprise, a unified methodology of its planning and conducting has been developed. The application of this methodology will allow the directors of enterprises, even with minimal knowledge and experience of modernization, to implement it with the maximum possible impact and in sum fulfill the principles of socially responsible marketing, providing profit to their enterprises. Based on the generalization of the results of the carried out studies, a definition of the concept of «socially responsible marketing of domestic machine-building enterprises in the industrial market» is proposed.