Journal of Dairy Science (Mar 2023)
Genotype by environment interaction due to heat stress in Brown Swiss cattle
ABSTRACT: Due to its geographical position and a highly variable orography, Italy is characterized by several climatic areas and thus, by many different dairy cow farming systems. Brown Swiss cattle, in this context, are a very appreciated genetic resource for their adaptability and low metabolic requirement. The significant heterogeneity in farming systems may consist of genotype by environment (G × E) interactions with neglected changes in animals' rank position. The objective of this study was to investigate G × E for heat tolerance in Brown Swiss cattle for several production traits (milk, fat, and protein yield in kilograms; fat, protein, and cheese yield in percentage) and 2 derivate traits (fat-corrected milk and energy-corrected milk). We used the daily maximum temperature-humidity index (THI) range, calculated according to weather stations' data from 2008 to 2018 in Italy, and 202,776 test-day records from 23,396 Brown Swiss cows from 639 herds. Two different methodologies were applied to estimate the effect of the environmental variable (THI) on genetic parameters: (1) the reaction norm model, which uses a continuous random covariate to estimate the animal additive effect, and (2) the multitrait model, which splits each production pattern as a distinct and correlated trait according to the first (a thermal comfort condition), third (a moderate heat stress condition), and fifth (a severe heat stress condition) mean THI value quintile. The results from the reaction norm model showed a descending trend of the additive genetic effect until THI reached the value of 80. Then we recorded an increase with high extreme THI values (THI 90). Permanent environmental variance at increasing THI values revealed an opposite trend: The plot of heritability and the ratio of animal permanent environmental variance to phenotypic variance showed that when the environmental condition worsens, the additive genetic and permanent environmental component for production traits play a growing role. The negative additive genetic correlation between slope and linear random coefficient indicates no linear relationship between the production traits or under heat stress conditions, except for milk yield and protein yield. In tridimensional wireframe plots, the extreme margin decreases until a minimum of ∼0.90 of genetic correlation in the ECM trait, showing that the magnitude of G × E interaction is greater than the other traits. Genetic correlation values in Brown Swiss suggest the possibility of moderate changes in animals' estimated breeding value in heat stress conditions. Results indicated a moderate G × E interaction but significant variability in sire response related to their production level.