Quality in Sport (Aug 2024)
Impact of physical activity on mental health in elderly population
Introduction Physical activity is an inseparable element of people’s lives. It reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, helps maintain physical well-being as well as mental health. Exercise is especially crucial in adults aged over 65 as this population leads a more sedentary lifestyle. Objective This article aims to evaluate the impact of exercise on mental health in elderly population. Methods A Literature review of articles published in Pubmed between 2000 and 2024 using the following words “physical activity”, “exercise”, “mental health”, “elderly population”. Results Physical activity has an impact on physical as well as mental health. In elderly population it especially influences the latter. Recent studies have shown that it can reduce a risk of dementia, enhance cognitive performance and improve social life by creating a stronger community and social network. Conclusion Physical activity is one of the crucial elements of overall well-being. It is particularly important in elderly population in maintaining mental health. It enhances cognition, reduces risk of dementia and improves social life.