Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi (May 2017)
Where Can We Find Postpartum Clinic Midwives And Nurses In The Context Of Evidence Based Practice?
INTRODUCTION: This descriptive study aimed to determine where postpartum clinic midwives and nurses stand on the subject of evidence-based practice and to identify their opinions on evidence-based practice. METHODS: The sample included a total of 101 midwives and nurses (53 midwives, 48 nurses) who worked at the postpartum clinics of two Women's and Children Disease Trainig and Research hospitals located at the Anatolian side of Istanbul. Data was collected using a questionnaire developed by the researchers in order to investigate descriptive features and opinions on evidence-based practice in postpartum care. Data was analyzed using the SPSS, T test and ANOVA. RESULTS: Mean age of the nurses and midwives was 28,67+-5,86 and mean duration in the profession was 8,96+-6,47 years. Among the participants, 52,5% were midwives, 66,3% had a Bachelor's Degree or higher. It was found that 66,3% of the participants defined evidence-based practice as the use of best scientific evidence and 97% stated that evidence-based practices are necessary. Mean score of finding standard practices of mother and infant care and treatment necessary was 90,74+-8,77, mean score of implementing evidence-based practices was 41,77+-6,12. In terms of implementing evidence-based practice in postpartum care, participants who had higher levels of education and who followed scientific journals had significantly higher scores (p<0.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was determined that midwives and nurses found evidence-based practice necessary in postpartum care and implemented evidence-based practice at medium levels. In order to increase such implementations- nurses-midwives should be motivated for continuing training is required.