Turkish History Education Journal (Oct 2021)
General education
İbrahim Hakkı (Pasha-1863-1918) graduated from Beşiktaş Junior High School, after completing his education in the administrative and higher classes of the Mekteb-i Mülkiye. In addition to his duties at various levels of the state, he taught at Mekteb-i Mülkiye, Mekteb-i Hukuk and Hamidiye Commercial School and wrote books. After he started to give lectures at the School of Law and Hamidiye Commercial School, he started publishing various books, especially on law and history. These works were mostly textbooks. In addition to being a textbook of İbrahim Hakkı Pasha's Legal-ı İdare (2 volumes), Istanbul 1312, it is a comprehensive scientific review. The work is in French style. This work of İbrahim Hakkı Pasha is the first book written in the field of administrative law in our country. The first part of the book consists of six chapters and the second part consists of three chapters. In this translation text, the second part, the third chapter of the book "Hukûk-ı İdâre", the Maarif-i Umumiye part was translated. In this chapter; There are the subjects of İdare-i Maarif, Mekatib-i Sıbyaniye and Rüşdiye, Mekatib-i İdadiye and Sultaniye, Mekatib-i Aliye, Serbesti-i Tedris and Mekatib-i Hususiye. The relevant chapter of the book is about the 1869 Education Regulation and its applications in that period.