Applied Sciences (Jun 2021)
Development of a Drone’s Vibration, Shock, and Atmospheric Profiles
Technological advances in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have made it possible to employ drone deliveries for packaged products, but currently no standards of practice are available to qualify packaged products traveling through this distribution channel. This research proposes a methodology to collect field data from a UAV to develop simulation techniques for use with package testing equipment. This project utilized data recorders to measure the vibration, shock, and atmospheric field data on two models of the DJI drones. The root mean square G value (Grms), the power spectral density (PSD), maximum G-values and shock response spectrum, and atmospheric data were reported in this study. The study found that the general shape of the PSD profile of the drones differed from the PSD air profiles of the aircraft. The overall recorded Grms levels of the drones were also significantly higher than those of the published air profile of the aircraft. Moreover, the study found that the drone’s in-flight vibration intensities in the horizontal level were consistently higher than those in the vertical direction. The major sources of vibration and shock in both drones’ models originated from the two-propeller rotations. Shocks recorded during the flight reached 14 G, took place in the horizontal plane with the drone accelerating as opposed to the vertical plane where the drone is landing.