Unnes Journal of Public Health (Jul 2017)
ABSTRACT Kelompok usia reproduksi terbagi dalam tiga fase yaitufase menunda kehamilan (30 tahun). Cara yang ditempuh yaitu dengan pemakaian kontrasepsi.baik MKJPmaupunnon MKJP. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada atau tidak perbedaan pemilihan kontrasepsi MKJP dan non MKJP berdasarkan efek samping pada dua kelompok usia reproduksi. Penelitin ini menggunakan desain cross sectional, pengambilan data dengan kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah akseptor KB baik MKJP maupun non MKJP pada bulan april sampai juni sebanyak 200 responden, dimana tekhnik pengambilan datanya dengan random sampling dan kuota sampling. Hasil penelitian kemudian diuji dengan mann-whitney test.Hasil penelitian dengan uji mann whitney test diperoleh p = 0.662 dengan kata lain p > α (0.05) yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan pemilihan MKJP dan non MKJP berdasarkan efek samping di Wilayah Kabupaten Semarang. ABSTRACT Reproductive-age category can be divided into three groups which are the group of delayed interval pregnancy (less than 20 years old), the group of intervalcontrol pregnancy (20 to 30 years old), and the group of high risk pregnancy (more than 30 years old). An alternative to avoid high risk pregnancy is by using contraception tool namely long-term contraception (MKJP) and non long-term contraception (non MKJP).The purpose of this research is to analysedwhether there are differences in choosing MKJP and non –MKJP based on side effects in the two reproductive-age groups.This research was an explanatory research with cross-sectional design. The population were all women of contraception acceptors in Semarang Regency.The samples were 200 respondents, used simple random sampling and quota sampling. This research used quisionaire instrument and analyze used mann whitney test (α=0,05). Theresult showed thatP = 0,662 meaning P > α = 0.05 which means there is no difference in choosing MKJP and non-MKJP based on side effects in the two reproduction-age groups in Semarang regency.