Cancer Cell International (Feb 2023)
The various role of microRNAs in breast cancer angiogenesis, with a special focus on novel miRNA-based delivery strategies
Abstract After skin malignancy, breast cancer is the most widely recognized cancer detected in women in the United States. Breast cancer (BCa) can happen in all kinds of people, but it's much more common in women. One in four cases of cancer and one in six deaths due to cancer are related to breast cancer. Angiogenesis is an essential factor in the growth of tumors and metastases in various malignancies. An expanded level of angiogenesis is related to diminished endurance in BCa patients. This function assumes a fundamental part inside the human body, from the beginning phases of life to dangerous malignancy. Various factors, referred to as angiogenic factors, work to make a new capillary. Expanding proof demonstrates that angiogenesis is managed by microRNAs (miRNAs), which are small non-coding RNA with 19–25 nucleotides. MiRNA is a post-transcriptional regulator of gene expression that controls many critical biological processes. Endothelial miRNAs, referred to as angiomiRs, are probably concerned with tumor improvement and angiogenesis via regulation of pro-and anti-angiogenic factors. In this article, we reviewed therapeutic functions of miRNAs in BCa angiogenesis, several novel delivery carriers for miRNA-based therapeutics, as well as CRISPR/Cas9 as a targeted therapy in breast cancer.