Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río (Jun 2009)
Respuesta inmune para la vacuna heberbiovac-hb y factores de riesgo Consolación del Sur, año 2004 Immnune response to the Heberbiovac-HB and risk factors, Consolación del Sur 2004
Uno de los pilares fundamentales para el control, eliminación de la hepatitis tipo B es la utilización de la vacunas que se aplica en Cuba, desde el año 1992. (Heberbiovac -HB). La inmunogenicidad, indicador que se obtiene mediante la cuantificación de Títulos de Anticuerpos (Anti-HBs) contra el antígeno de superficie (HBsAg) post vacunación permite conocer la eficacia y calidad de la vacuna. En este estudio se utilizó el método inmunoenzimático (ELISA) tipo sandwich, llevado a cabo por el Departamento de Hepatitis B. del Laboratorio de Inmunología del Centro Nacional de Genética Médica, Ciudad Habana, considerándose protegidos los individuos cuyos resultados estaban entre ³10 UI/L y One of the mainstays to control and eliminate hepatitis-B is the use of the vaccines (Herberbiovac-HB) applied in Cuba since 1992. The immunogenicity, an indicator obtained through the quantification of the Antibodies Titers (Anti-HBs) against the surface antigens (HbsAg) post-vaccination, allowing knowing the effectiveness and quality of the vaccine. The immunoenzymatic method was used in this study kind of sandwich (ELISA), carried out by the Department for the study of Hepatitis B of the Immunology Laboratory in the National Center of Medical Genetics, Havana City. The individuals which results were between =10 UI/L and < 100 UI/L, Hyperresponsers = 100 UI/L are considered protected and sero-unprotected when the titers were < 10 UI/L; in 498 children of 10 years old that were vaccinated in the early childhood having the schedule (0-16 months) of negative mothers for HBsAg, belonging to Consolacion del Sur in Pinar del Rio province. Results showed that male sex, Hypersensibilities Type I and the boys and girls maintaining treatments with immunosupresor drugs were the risk factors that provided the association with the serum-unprotection; as for in the individuals having Titers of Ac < 10 UI/L; a buster of the vaccine was applied and after 15 days the 100% of them achieved the values of serum-protection, calculating the geometric media to 35.1 UI/L before the reinforcement of the vaccine and after it 109.5 UI/L.