International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (Apr 2016)

04 Personal Subject Profile of Psychological Readiness to Marital Relationships

  • Valentina RADCHYK

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 6


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The existing types of psychological help to families are very diverse. They can be divided according to the orientation on certain group of clients, type of help and tasks, performed by the therapist. These differences form certain models of help and each of these models relies on its theoretical foundation and uses its own methods of work. In accordance with directivity and type of work with families, among the whole range of other models, emphasis are placed on a psychotherapeutic (or psychological) model, because this model suggests that ethiopathogenesis of family problems is in personal particularities of the family members. This reason is considered as a logical result of personal development in the process of which such preconditions as: motivation to marriage, stereotypes of parents’ family, formed life-style, attitude to people and events and the most important personal peculiarities of the individual (which in the conclusion form psychological readiness to the marital relations) create all together the system of emotional connections and interrelations.
