Problemos (Jan 2009)


  • Audronė Žukauskaitė

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 75


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Straipsnyje analizuojama Gilles’io Deleuze’o ir Felixo Guattari kuriama mikropolitikos samprata, kuri priešpriešinama makropolitikai, veikiančiai pripažintų politinių teorijų ir apibrėžtų tapatybių lygmenyje. Mikropolitikos projektas siejamas su tapsmo mažuma, mažosios literatūros, mažosios politikos sampratomis, kurios nukreiptos ne į tapatybės kūrimą, bet į tapsmo procesą, inovaciją, eksperimentą. Deleuze’as ir Guattari teigia, jog tapsmas mažuma yra universalus procesas, kurio tikslas – kiekvieno individo autonomija. Deleuze‘o ir Guattari universalaus tapsmo koncepcija priešpriešinama Alaino Badiou kuriamai karingojo universalizmo sampratai. Badiou postuluojamas universalizmas iš pirmo žvilgsnio yra panašus į Deleuze’o ir Guattari siūlomos tapsmo teorijos universalumą, tačiau abiejų teorijų turinys radikaliai skiriasi. Deleuze’ui ir Guattari pats tapsmas mažuma yra universalus procesas; Badiou, priešingai, mažumas ir skirtumus pasitelkia tam, kad juos redukuotų į lygybę ir vienodumą. Badiou siekia panaikinti skirtumus dėl universalizmo, kuris pasiekiamas per tiesos įvykį, bendrą visiems ir kiekvienam. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: mikropolitika, mažoji literatūra, tapsmas mažuma, paskirybė, universalizmas. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s Micropolitics in the Context of Contemporary Philosophy Audronė Žukauskaitė Summary The article discusses Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of micropolitics in relation with the notions of minor literature and becoming-minoritarian. The concept of minor literature appears in Deleuze and Guattari’s Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature and is defined by three characteristics: 1) the deterritorialization of language; 2) the connection of the individual to a political immediacy; 3) the collective assemblage of enunciation. The notion of minor literature is closely related with the notion of becoming-minoritarian developed in A Thousand Plateaus. Deleuze and Guattari claim that becoming-minoritarian is the universal figure of consciousness. In this sense, any kind of becoming is a revolutionary act, because it changes the political constellation of power and enables the repressed to reach an autonomous condition. The concept of becoming-minoritarian is introduced to the contemporary political context through the notion of minor politics, discussed by Nicholas Thoburn. Minor politics is seen not as a fetishization of marginal identity but rather as a possibility to legitimize the existence of those who lack any social identity. In this sense, the notions of becoming-minoritarian and minor politics are contrasted with Alain Badiou’s claim to universality: the question is raised as to whether becoming-minoritarian should necessarily end in autonomy, as Deleuze and Guattari argue, or, by contrast, whether it should seek to universalize the minor and in this way raise the claim for universal justice. Keywords: micropolitics, minor literature, becoming-minoritiarian, the particular, universalism.