Educación (May 2019)
The teacher Luis E. Galván and the indigenism in Ayacucho-Perú, 20th century
The aim of this research is to analyze and to understand the thoughts of the excellent teacher Luis E. Galván Candiotti from Ayacucho (Peru) about education and especially on the indigenous education, in the first six decades of the 20th century. For this, we had to distinguish two stages in his thought and behavior: from 1925 until he was the Director of Indigenous Education of the Department of Public Instruction (1931-1932), whose production was more ideal (especially recounted to the indigenous education) and after this period till when he expired in 1966. The teacher Galván belongs to the early generation of intellectual indigenists from Ayacucho, and inside the national context, his thought is given during the execution of two national educational projects: the «civilista» until 1940 and the «indigenista» from 1941. Our theoretical basis is founded basically in Pierre Bourdieu thoughts about «intellectual field» (2002), to Carlos Altamirano «on the intellectuais» (2013) and Gerardo Perafán on «teacher thinking» (2005). For the analysis and interpretation of Galván thoughts, we constructed categories or dimensions on the basis of the checked sources: basically bibliographical resources, journalistic material and documentary evidence. They were evaluated and submitted to the historical criticism. The indigenist teacher assumed fully the influence of the New School and related the «indigenous problem» to the «national problem». Peru was one of the most important early prefaces from the «education for Indians» to the bilingual education and then to the intercultural education.