Case Reports in Women's Health (Mar 2024)

Lipoma of the vulva: A case report

  • Nigat Amsalu Addis,
  • Getachew Shiferaw Yigzaw,
  • Sentaye Teka Belay,
  • Yilkal Ademe Belay,
  • Ephrem Awoke Shiferaw,
  • Hirut Tesfahun Alemu,
  • Yohannis Derbew Molla

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 41
p. e00588


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The patient, a 20-year-old nulligravida, presented with a progressive swelling on the right side of her vulva over the past three years. She also reported dull, aching pain, particularly during long walks. Upon examination, the patient appeared comfortable, and her vital signs were within normal limits. Genitourinary examination revealed a right vulvar mass, 12 cm by 7 cm, which was movable, soft in consistency, and non-tender. Subsequent inguinovulvar ultrasonography confirmed the presence of a compressible soft-tissue mass measuring 10 × 7 × 4 cm, consistent with a diagnosis of lipoma. Surgical excision resulted in a significant improvement in the patient's condition and she was discharged from hospital.
