Revista do Instituto de Latícinios Cândido Tostes (Nov 2018)
Characterization of solid waste generated by the dairy industry
Environmental awareness is increasingly inserted in the consumer’s choices. The concern to meet this demand has driven companies to seek the adequacy of their processes and routines. This study aims to carry out a survey of the solid residues generated in the dairy industry and the respective treatments and the final disposal. Twenty-two (22) industries from different regions of Brazil were invited to participate, classified according to size and potential pollutant. Seven (7) dairy industries were located in the Southeast, 3 (three) in the South, 3 (three) in the Midwest, 3 (three) in the North, 7 (seven) in the Northeast. A structured electronic questionnaire was elaborated according to the class division of the residues: common, chemical and biological, and sent to the dairy. The answers showed that the dairy industries, regardless of the volume of processed milk with intrinsic characteristics, frequency and volume generated, do not have residue management in their routines. This study demonstrates the current state of how dairy industries address this issue and highlight the need for these industries to adapt to environmental issues. Based on current solid waste legislation, the dairy industry should seek to adapt and integrate sustainable technologies into its processes and routines. The adoption of these practices has a direct and positive influence on the marketing and commercialization of the company.