INFAD (Aug 2019)
Instruments of evaluation of the enterprising culture
It presenst the process of construction and results of four instruments that meet psychometric requirements of reliability, validity and normalization and evaluate the entrepreneurial culture (perceive and desired) in secondary education contexts in relation to their Four components: The purpose of education, teaching processes, learning processes and educational scenario, in students and teachers. The sample was formed in the pilot phase by 173 students from two public schools (27.7% and 72.3% respectively). 52.6% were men. In relation to the course, the sample was formed by students of 1 º of ESO (72.3%) and of 4 º of ESO (27.7%), with ages between 11 and 17 years, being the mean 12.99 and the typical deviation 1.73. The teaching staff sample consisted of 63 participants from three public schools (42.9%, 42.9% and 14.3% respectively). Of the teachers, 33.3% were men and 66.7% were women, aged between 31 and 68, with the mean 50.49 and the typical deviation 6.79. The Empirical sample has been formed by 2308 Dicentes (47.7% men) of 18 educational centers, both public and concerted and private. The Dicentes sample consisted of students from 1st to 2 º High, with an average age of 14. 84 and a typical deviation of 1.77. The Teacher’s sample was composed of 176 (32.4% men) participants from 16 public and concerted centres. The mean age was 47.92, with a typical deviation of 7.74. Teachers Are grouped in educational branches: 32.4% of Science; 66.5% of Letters and 3% of Art. The results obtained of reliability, factorial validity and confirming and bares allow with the pertinent psychometric guarantees their application both in professors and in students in contexts of secondary education.