South African Journal of Industrial Engineering (Jan 2012)


  • S. Matope,
  • A.F. van der Merwe,
  • R. Nemutudi,
  • M. Nkosi,
  • M. Maaza

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 2


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<p>ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on the employment of copper and aluminium in a micro-material handling system actuated by Van der Waals forces. Electron beam (e-beam) evaporator deposited both materials on a silicon substrate at a rate of 0.6-1.2 Angstroms/second, vacuum pressure between 2x10-6 and 3x10-6mbar, and at a current less than 10mA. A Veeco NanoMan V Atomic Force Microscope with Nanoscope version 7.3 software was used to analyse the root mean square (rms) surface roughnesses of the generated topographies. Rumpf-Rabinovich’s rms formula was used to determine the Van der Waals forces exerted by the surfaces. It was synthesised that an e-beam deposition of 7 minutes’ duration on both materials produced an optimum micro-material handling solution, with copper suitable for the pick-up position and aluminium for the placement position.</p><p>AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van die artikel is op die gebruik van koper en aluminium in ‘n mikromateriaalhanteringstelsel, aangedryf deur Van der Waalskragte. ‘n Elektronstraal-verdamper plaas albei materiale op ‘n silikonbasis teen ‘n tempo van 0.6-1.2 Angstrom/sekonde, vakuumdruk tussen 2x10-6 en 3x10-6mbar, en teen ‘n stroom van minder as 10mA. ‘n Veeco NanoMan V Atomic Force mikroskoop, met Nanoscope 7.3 program-matuur is gebruik om die wortel-gemiddelde-kwadraat (wgk) oppervlak ruheid van die gegenereerde topografieë te analiseer. Rumpf-Rabinovich se wgk-formule is gebruik om die Van der Waalskrage wat deur die oppervlaktes uitgeoefen word te bepaal. Dit is vasgestel dat ‘n elektronstraalafsetting van 7 minute op albei materiale die optimale materiaalhanteringoplossing bied, met koper geskik vir die optelposisie en aluminium vir die plasingsposisie.</p>
