INCAS Bulletin (Sep 2013)
Dynamic study of the virtual prototype of the IAR-99 SOIM Aircraft
This paper contains a dynamic study of the IAR-99 SOIM aircraft using ADAMS, multibody dynamic solutions. First, the analysis of the whole airplane is envisaged and then the analysis of the flight control system and the landing gear are considered. The study is performed in the idea of upgrading the IAR-99 aircraft being a continuation of a previous study concerning a flutter analysis [9] of the same aircraft, and will be followed by a paper dedicated to modern tools in the stress analysis of the aeronautical structures. Using ADAMS one can build and test complex virtual prototypes, simulating mechanical systems in a realistic manner, both visually and mathematically which is very useful before developing a real prototype. Engineers can study the dynamics of moving parts and how loads and forces are distributed throughout a complex mechanical system as an airplane. In this way multiple design solutions can be analyzed and evaluated in order to shorten the time and to reduce the cost of a new project.