Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (Oct 2017)
Immediate effect of bitter gourd, ash gourd, Knol-khol juices on blood sugar levels of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A pilot study
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the immediate effect of bitter gourd, Knol-khol, and ash gourd juices on blood glucose level among Type II diabetes mellitus patients. Methods: In 2015, pilot study was conducted randomly enrolling 30 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus into three groups in SRK college, India. The first group received bitter gourd juice at FBS range between 120 to 300 mg per dl. The second, third group received Knol-khol, ash gourd juice respectively in the same range of fasting blood sugar level. Blood sugar level was evaluated ½ hour interval till 2 h after received respective juices. Data were collected for statistical analysis. Results: The mean blood glucose concentration in bitter gourd group was not statistically significant between time points, (P = .176). However, 90 min after the intake of bitter gourd juice shows statistical significant reduction of blood glucose level when compare with fasting level, (p = .049). After Knol khol juice the mean blood glucose level differed statistically significant between time points, shown in (p = .029). But no statistical changes seen in ash gourd group. As a result bitter gourd juice is immediately reducing the blood glucose level, while Knol khol juice reduces the blood sugar level gradually for longer period of 120 min. Conclusion: This study shows the significance of hypoglycemic effects of bitter gourd and Knol khol juices among the type 2 Diabetic patients. Hence Bitter gourd juice, Knol khol juices may be beneficial in Diabetes patients to reduce the blood glucose level.