Jurnal Delima Harapan (Apr 2018)

Pengaruh Pemberian Taburia Terhadap Status Gizi Balita Usia 6 - 24 Bulan Di Puskesmas Maubesi Kecamatan Insana Tengah Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

  • Eliya Rohmah,
  • Tri Handayani,
  • Dina Adolfina Mooy

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1
pp. 67 – 78


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The Government in 2011 started to help local communities, particularly malnutrition by supplying needed nutrients by the giving Taburia in Maubesi Publick Healt Center development through the program Nutrition Improvement Through Community Empowerment (NICE) program. Malnutrition in 2011 as many as 7.6 percent, while in 2012 totaly the malnutrition children as many as 5.8 percent.di Maubesi health center malnourished in 2011 less than 30, malnourished toddlers as 7.6 percent, while in 2012 with malnourished children reached percent 24.8 percent, the number of malnutrition as many as 5.8 percent, the data in January 2013 less malnutrition children reached 31,3 percent, and bad malnutrition reached 7,4 percent. Based on preliminary study introduction that is carried out by researchers found that 10 mother, nutritional status consuming Taburia that change is 50 percent toddlers of nutritional status under the red line to nutrition, less than 50 percent of which is still nutritional status under the red line. The aim of the research was to know is there any influence of Taburia to the status of nutrition for children under five years old age 6 - 24 months. Methods of study was Pre-Experimental Design . The research design was pretest and post test group because in this research, observation done 2 times before an experiment and after an experiment, the number of samples in this research is total five children age 6-24 months as many as 28 children and research data taken in the Community Health Center Maubesi Insana sub-district of Timor Tengah North Central province of East Nusa Tenggara, in May - July 2013.Uji statistics is Wilcoxon Such Matched Pairs with based on a=0.05 (5%) The results are most respondents before giving Taburia have nutritional status less than they are as much as 67.8 percent of the children and after the nutritional status Taburia well short of 82 percent, test statistics Wilcoxon Such Matched Pairs acquired p value = 0.000< x = 0.05 Ho is denied and Ha received so it can be concluded that there is influence here improved nutritional status of bad nutrition status to less and less nutritional status to nutritional status. Conclusion: There is influence among the gift to the status Taburia nutrition for children under five age 6 - 24 months, from the results or use SPSS Wilcoxon p result obtained Such Matched Pairs of 0.000. It required the midwife's role to monitor the provision taburia periodically and appropriately assisted with the role of cadres so severely malnourished can be resolved.
