Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UM Metro (Nov 2019)
Misconception in learning biology is still a major problem and has become one of the focus points of research in the field of education in recent years. Misconceptions can occur at various levels of education. In the study of misconceptions the target of the study was mostly high school students and yet misconception research was rarely carried out on college students. This study aims to determine the level of misconceptions of biology education students at one of the universities in Surakarta and to know the difference in the level of misconceptions in upper and lower academic ability students. The population of this study was all semester 2 Biology Bachelor education students at one of the universities in Surakarta totaling 63 students. The sampling technique uses saturated sampling by using the entire population as a research sample. The level of misconceptions is measured using a misunderstanding test that is equipped with a CRI index. Data analysis to determine the level of misconceptions of students as well as differences in levels of misunderstanding of students above and below was done by quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed students know the concept as much as 33.45%, do not know the concept as much as 41.9% and student misconceptions as much as 24.63%. The percentage of students' misconceptions is spread across each indicator of the problem being tested. The biggest misconception occurred in the structure and function indicators of various plant tissues 46.51%, indicators of the types and structure of plant tissue cells 40.93%, basic principle indicators of tissue culture 5.12% and indicators of tissue structure in Plants 0.93%. Based on the student category, the percentage of students from the top category had a misunderstanding of 28.37%, the medium category was 52.55% and the lower category was 19.07% Kata kunci: CRI (Certainty of Response indeks), Miskonsepsi, Jaringan Tumbuhan