GEOUSP: Espaço e Tempo (Dec 1998)

An "untouched natural landscape" for the ecotourist that comes from the city

  • Paola Verri de Santana

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2


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The em ergence of the ecological aw areness is characterized by dissem ination by the com m unication m edia and by the increasing num ber of "adepts" or "volunteers" interested in the "green cause". The form ation of what was called ecological discourse com prehends the m ost different postures, like those from activists, scientists, governm ents and businessm en. The ecotourism appears on this scene as yet another econom ic activity with a proposal to value nature, to be chosen and incorporated to everyday life of those living in urban centers. This paper presents the main idea of an research that perform s a critical analysis on the ecological discourse dissem inated by the industrial sector which starts using the qualification of the "green" products as an argum ent to keep the wealth accum ulation
