Journal of Medicinal Plants (Dec 2006)
The Evaluation of Eucaliptus camaldolensis Dehnh. Esscence Application in Control of Fungal Pollution of Trout Eggs
Background: The use of medical plants is necessary as the antifungal agent substitute the malachite green for control of fungal pollution in salmonid hatcharies. Objective: The capability of Eucaliptus camaldolensis escence in control of fungal pollution about 50 kg trout eggs 4 years old Oncorhynchus mykiss brooders were evaluated in clinical and farm conditions, with using of 1,5,10,25,50 and 100 ppm dosages of this escence daily with 3 repetition until the eyed egg stage (about 18-20 days). Besides, under the equal condition, the positive control group was treated with 1 ppm malachite green and the negative control group was assessed without any drugs. Results: After culturing of fungal eggs, a pollution of Saprolegnia parasitica and Fusarium solani was obsereved. MIC result of Eucaliptus escence against Saprolegnia was 2.3 and aginst Fusarium was 8.2 ppm. Measuring the physical and chemical factors of water, no negative effect is recognized. Conclusion: The eucalyptus escence specially in the doses of 25, 50 and 100 ppm is significantly different from negative control group (p< 0.05) and created suitable inhibition aginst water fungi.