A Typical Case Presentation with Spontaneous Visual Recovery in Patient Diagnosed with Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Due to Rare Point Mutation in <i>MT-ND4</i> Gene (<i>m.11253T>C</i>) and Literature Review
Rasa Liutkeviciene,
Agne Sidaraite,
Lina Kuliaviene,
Brigita Glebauskiene,
Neringa Jurkute,
Lina Aluzaite-Baranauskiene,
Arvydas Gelzinis,
Reda Zemaitiene
Rasa Liutkeviciene
Department of Ophthalmology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Eiveniu 2 str., LT-50161 Kaunas, Lithuania
Agne Sidaraite
Department of Ophthalmology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Eiveniu 2 str., LT-50161 Kaunas, Lithuania
Lina Kuliaviene
Department of Ophthalmology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Eiveniu 2 str., LT-50161 Kaunas, Lithuania
Brigita Glebauskiene
Department of Ophthalmology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Eiveniu 2 str., LT-50161 Kaunas, Lithuania
Neringa Jurkute
Genetics Department, Moorfields Eye Hospital, 162 City Road, London EC1V 2PD, UK
Lina Aluzaite-Baranauskiene
Department of Ophthalmology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Eiveniu 2 str., LT-50161 Kaunas, Lithuania
Arvydas Gelzinis
Department of Ophthalmology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Eiveniu 2 str., LT-50161 Kaunas, Lithuania
Reda Zemaitiene
Department of Ophthalmology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Eiveniu 2 str., LT-50161 Kaunas, Lithuania
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is one of the most common inherited mitochondrial optic neuropathies, caused by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations. Three most common mutations, namely m.11778G>A, m.14484T>G and m.3460G>A, account for the majority of LHON cases. These mutations lead to mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I damage. Typically, LHON presents at the 15–35 years of age with male predominance. LHON is associated with severe, subacute, painless bilateral vision loss and account for one of the most common causes of legal blindness in young individuals. Spontaneous visual acuity recovery is rare and has been reported in patients harbouring m.14484T>C mutation. Up to date LHON treatment is limited. Idebenone has been approved by European Medicines Agency (EMA) to treat LHON. However better understanding of disease mechanisms and ongoing treatment trials are promising and brings hope for patients. In this article we report on a patient diagnosed with LHON harbouring rare m.11253T>C mutation in MT-ND4 gene, who experienced spontaneous visual recovery. In addition, we summarise clinical presentation, diagnostic features, and treatment.