Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (Dec 2005)
The influence of the association patterns of phosphorus–substrates and xylene–substrates on the degradation of xylenes in an alluvial aquifer
The association patterns of xylene and of total phosphorus with sediment constituents in an alluvial aquifer consisting of clays and sands which had been contaminated by a spill of technical grade xylene were investigated with the aim of assessing the dependence of in situ xylene degradation on the P-availability. The investigated alluvial sediments of the Maki{ Plain (Sava river alluvion, Quaternary age, Serbia and Montenegro) are relatively poor in P. The most reliable associations were proposed by analyzing the quality of the correlations of xylene- and of P-contents with 32 sediment characteristics. The association patterns depend on the mineralogical and granulometrical composition of sediments, the structural characteristics of the organicmatter (N/C-ratio) and the redox-conditions. Differing association patterns in the clays and the sand had been developed, and these characteristics influence the intrinsic xylene degradation. The main proof for the occurrence of xylene degradation is the percentul share of bacteria which oxidize xylene as a single carbon-source.