Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi (Mar 2015)
Characterization of Multifloral Honeys of Pervari Region with Different Properties
The quality of honey from Pervari region was almost known by all over the country in Turkey. This study was undertaken to determine (i) physico-chemical parameters, (ii) antimicrobial analysis and (iii) pollen estimation method with expert computer system obtained from three different sites of Pervari region (Siirt/Turkey). For physico-chemical parameters; moisture, free acidity, diastase activity, hydroxyl methyl furfural (HMF), invert sugar, ash, commercial glucose and proline analysis were examined. For anti-microbial analysis disc dilution method were studied on six different bacteria species. For pollen analysis; different and new expert computer system was used for comparison of pollen of plants and honey samples. The aim of the study was to evaluate the properties of multi floral honey determined from three different locations in the same region and the way to understand to which plants were visited by the bees with comparing of pollen grains of flowers and honey by using the expert computer system. Honey samples of Pervari region were of acceptable quality based on recommended criteria of Turkish Food Codex and International Honey Commission.