Jornal Interdisciplinar de Biociências (Nov 2016)
Histological analysis of trachea and lung of newborn dogs
The neonatology science is, in Veterinary Medicine, studying the post-birth to the development of certain characteristics of resistance, which for canines occurs until the second week of life. The newborn requires a precise approach given the particularities of their physiology and immunology extremely immature. The histological study elucidates problems morphological and functional abnormalities, as it provides a reliable and microscopic analysis. Aimed to analyze trachea and lung of newborn dogs through techniques of basic histology. We used five neonates that died postpartum. These were weighed, measured and dissected. Proceeded to the extraction of the trachea, bronchus and lung for submitting these samples to histological routine. The tracheal tissue presents a pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium with globet cells, a small amount of glands in the lamina propria and hyaline cartilage not fully developed. As regards the bronchial tissue may be observed well defined layers, pulmonary pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium with goblet cells in the lamina propria several bundles of smooth muscle and thick vascularized tissue. Likewise, the signs of bronchial cartilage present under development. The bronchioles also feature the common pulmonary epithelium and lamina propria also normal pens without smooth muscle. The bags alveolar lung cells showed typical. The lung tissues of newborn dogs present is still in development stage. It is possible to understand patterns of histogenesis and morphogenesis in newborn dogs.