Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (Dec 2008)

O efeito do índice de massa corporal sobre as complicações no pós-operatório de cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio em idosos The effect of the body mass index on postoperative complications of coronary artery bypass grafting in elderly

  • Cíntia Reis,
  • Sandra Mari Barbiero,
  • Luciane Ribas

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 4
pp. 524 – 529


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito do índice de massa corporal (IMC) no pós-operatório de pacientes idosos submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM). MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal e retrospectivo, realizado em hospital acadêmico, com todos os pacientes (n=290), com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, submetidos a CRM, no período de agosto de 2006 a julho de 2007. Os pacientes foram divididos em tercis de IMC (27 kg/m²). As variáveis incluídas no estudo foram coletadas a partir dos prontuários dos pacientes e analisadas por meio de regressão logística na associação com as categorias de IMC. RESULTADOS: No grupo com magreza foram encontrados maiores percentuais de disfunção pulmonar, renal, permanência hospitalar e mortalidade cirúrgica imediata; porém sem significância estatística. Dos pacientes do sexo feminino, do grupo magreza e eutrofia, 61,5% tiveram permanência hospitalar por um período maior que sete dias pós-operatório; contra 42,5% do sexo masculino (P=0,003). No grupo com magreza, foi encontrada associação entre o tempo de circulação extracorpórea (CEC) e a disfunção renal com P OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of BMI (body mass index) in the postoperative period of elderly patients undergoing CABG. METHODS: Cross-sectional retrospective study, carried out in academic hospital, with all patients (n=290), aged or above 60 years, undergone CABG, from August 2006 to July 2007. The patients were divided into tertiles of BMI ( 27kg/m²). The variables included in the study were collected from medical records of patients and analyzed by logistic regression in association with the categories of BMI. RESULTS: In the group with malnutrition were found larger percentage of impaired lung, kidney, hospital stay and immediate surgical mortality; but without statistical significance. Among female patients, the group malnutrition and eutrophy, 61.5% had hospital stay for a period longer than seven postoperative days compared to 42.5% male patients (P=0.003). In the group with malnutrition was found association between the CPB time and renal dysfunction with P<0.001 and, in eutrophic group with P=0.04. Obesity obtained protective association for lung dysfunction (RR=0.99), readmissions (RR=0.45) and mortality (RR = 0.77), and risk factor for renal dysfunction (RR=1.12). CONCLUSIONS: In short-term, elderly with lower BMI may have increased the risk for complications. In contrast, obesity can have a protective effect, except for renal dysfunction.
